Life Insurance for Migrants to Australia
Individuals and families contemplating a move to Australia, whether permanently or on temporary work visas, will often need to review their life insurance arrangements. Three common reasons include:
- Moving permanently to Australia will often involve the sale of the family home and the cessation of life insurance arrangements that protect the home in the event of the death of one or both of parents/owners. For many people, this is the family's major form of life insurance.
- Life insurance policies taken out overseas will sometimes cease to have effect when a person either moves permanently to another country or becomes non-resident for a number of years. Thus, although premiums may continue to be paid in the home country the life insurance company may validly refuse to pay a claim. Migrants who wish to continue relying on policies taken out overseas should check with the issuing life company and ask for written confirmation that their cover remains in force.
- For a number of migrants, the sum insured in their country may no longer be adequate in Australia to provide for their families in the event of their death, or their partners.
Migrating to a new country can be a stressful and dislocating experience and it is probably one situation where the need for comprehensive life coverage is at a premium - and yet it corresponds with a period when many people, for the reasons noted above, have inadequate or no cover at all.
A full range of life insurance cover is also typically available for temporary residents in Australia subject to meeting certain criteria and if you wish to ensure there are no gaps in your coverage, or want to review your level of cover even before entering Australia, please complete the Inquiry form at the bottom of this page. Please note that no cost or commitment attaches to receiving a quotation from a life insurance broker but, if you are currently outside Australia, note that cover cannot commence until your actual arrival date in Australia.
If you would like to arrange professional advice please complete the Inquiry form below providing details and you will be contacted promptly.