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Exfin Expat Checklists - Leaving and Returning to Australia

Australian Expatriate Checklists

We have compiled Checklists for Australians both leaving the country and returning - hoping that both families and individuals will find them useful. It's a truism, but every overseas assignment is different, and we can't cover all the various issues, but we would be interested to hear feedback on where we could improve our coverage.

Exfin Expat Checklist Outbound - Leaving Australia

Topics covered include: tax residency and capital gains tax, HELP debts, mortgages, superannuation, investments and Australian shares, retirement, life, health and travel insurance, overseas pensions, bank accounts, wills, powers of attorney and foreign-exchange transfers.

Exfin Expat Checklist Inbound - Coming to Australia

Topics covered include: tax residency and capital gains tax, accommodation in Australia, Medicare and private health insurance, life insurance, mortgages, education, bank accounts, pension transfers, superannuation and foreign currency transfers.

Please note that these Checklists are for personal use only and may not be used in whole or part by any business or commercial undertaking without obtaining Exfin's prior written approval.

IMPORTANT: The material contained in this website and other associated communications is only intended as general, background information and must not be relied upon. No warranty is provided in relation to any material or to the services that may be contracted through It is recommended that individuals seek the advice of qualified professionals before taking any action.